Jeans & Co

In a somewhat grubby mall in Guatemala City I came across this jeans dress, no label and a very good bargain, just a quick buy on a hot day when the air con of the mall came as a relief. My friend Yvonne had steered me through the chaos of the city to get a respite of the heat. Her own fabric shop was close by. The daughter of a Jewish immigrant who began as a smous , an ambulant trader, had inherited the shop from her late father. She herself was clad in the tightest jeans and the highest heels I had ever seen, her blond hair swinging down to her waist. Compared to her outfit, my easy going dress is looking a bit simple. I don’t mind as you can do everything with a jeans dress. Add some bright red, set off pristine white, play the yellow and blue game. The variations are endless. Or you can double it with your daughter’s jeans dress. Jeans adapt easily to every place. The lofty dress added to my pleasure at a lunch with Cape Malay curry in the idyllic cou...