A Hint of the East

I love the elegance of Far Eastern dressing styles, the brightness of Indian colours and the softness of South East Asian silks. From every trip to Asia I come back with loads of fabrics and stuff. Too much in fact. You don’t want to look like going to a fancy dress party. The avid traveller and the style conscious fashionista are competing within me.

I have to restrict myself to using the exotic items sparingly. A vest here, a silk shawl there toned down by some black.

The green velvet cap with the silver embroidery has a special place in my traveller’s heart. It was a gift I got many years ago on a trip to Upper Egypt.

© Christophe Cappelli, 123RF
© Marc Ryckaert (MJJR) Gurna_Mosque_R01
I was a young professional on my first job and we stayed overnight in the ancient village of Gurna. The roof of the white washed caravanseray was the deep blue star studded sky. Our group was invited to take part in the stock dance which substituted TV as the villagers' evening entertainment. Dates were served. Time seemed to have come to a standstill.

© Jordiferrer, Central_Market,_Kuala_Lumpur_02
Fast forward and we are in nowadays Kuala Lumpur.

You can spend the whole day in the lanes of busy Central Market and there will still be shops you have not seen. Chinese and Malay dealers rub shoulders.

The silk applications of my jacket from the market manage to look like Mandarin characters although they are forming just an abstract pattern.


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