Trade Beads
How did Coco Chanel put it? There are colours and there are non-colours. The latter are black and white and they are the most elegant. You can do everything with black. I combined a simple black dress with a necklace of bright blue trade beads, a blue belt and a blue felt handbag. The black accentuates the blue strikingly. When I am in Cape Town I always look for trade beads. Some are hundreds of years old and date back to the times when Venice was dominating the commerce with Africa. Nowadays we associate glass beads with African handicraft. Strangely enough they first moved the other way. They were shipped from Europe to Africa as payment for African goods like ivory and precious wood. The skill to make beads from coloured glass came from Italy. I love to wear these tokens of a to- and-fro between Europe and Africa. I had found the green one in Victoria. The small Zimbabwean town is closest to the mighty Victoria falls. Mosi-oa-Tunya, The Smoke that Thunders are they call...