Charmer Goethe

German’s national poet had a reputation as a womanizer in his time. His poems on beautiful females are legend. As a septuagenarian he was thinking of getting engaged to Ulrike von Levetzow at her tender age of seventeen years.

A friend presented me with the Goethe puppet. I am still wondering what his intentions may have been. When Goethe is looking at me with his piercing brown eyes I try to be in form. A classic low cut black dress, black-and-white pearls and a light overcoat seem appropriate.

Is he following me or am I following him from the University of his home town Frankfurt where he adorns the wall of the foyer to the Maltese-German Circle in Malta? Who knows.

Ich bin bei dir, / du bist mir nah, / und seist auch noch so ferne!


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