Deconstructed Dirndl

A dirndl is a most complicated outfit. It comprises a skirt with a flowery pattern, a matching spencer, a blouse and not to forget an apron in a contrasting colour. Well, having put on all that you can easily look like the Austrian or Bavarian maiden climbing down from the alpine pastures while herding her cattle.

I thoroughly scrutinized my complete dirndl from Linz and me in it. I had bought it in the lovely Austrian town in a small shop right at the cathedral while the noon bells were drowning every conversation you might want to entertain with the shop attendant.

Off went the spencer, off the blouse and the apron followed. I stuck to the deconstructed version. The skirt is not only becoming, it is versatile and even comfortable on a summer day in the garden.

My precious bracelet I got years ago in Meran. It adds that hint of folklore which resists deconstruction. The intricate silver work with its gilded griffins is too tempting to put it aside.


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