My Memory Boost

As the Cape forms a huge peninsula between the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean fish abounds. My local fish monger assures me that eating fish will give my brain a kick. I am easily convinced because I do love to indulge in fish and seafood.

I try to merge with my rustic surroundings in a combination of silky slacks and shirt in unobtrusive beige and a locally hand-crafted neckless made of shells and ostrich eggs. Oldies always wear beige, isn't it so?

Freshly harvested mussels from the Atlantic is my catch of the day and a big slice of the appropriately named mussel cracker is following.
We discuss the best recipes at length. T𐌾he fish monger approves to do the mussels à la Francaise in white wine with a bit of cream and garlic and a lot of parsley. For the fish, however, he insists on having it braaied, barbecued in the South African way that is to say basted with some ready made mixture of oil and herbs and accompanied by a hot sauce.


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