Sheep & (Lower) Saxons

©xbqs42, meadow, pixabay
© Antranias, Heidschnucke, pixabay
The country side of Lower Saxony in Germany where I used to live can be somewhat rough and the weather unpredictable. Still, it is a lot of fun to do long walks along the fields of sugar beet and herds of sheep in the Lüneburger Heide.  You may happen to look into a black face. It could belong to the Heidschnucke a breed of sheep with long hair and impressive horns typical of Northern Germany. Wide vistas and the bizarre shapes of juniper bushes add to the austere charm.

The fun is depending not the least on your outfit. Warm wools and tweed is a must. You wouldn’t think that a rustic tweed jacket with knickerbockers is Made in France, but it is. Gaston Jaunet is responsible - now sadly out of business.


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