Shades of Grey

Grey is the new black. It is so elegant and softer. My dress comes from Denmark made by Charlotte Eskildsen for the label Remix. I purchased it in Bergen, Norway. For me the colour is reflecting the silvery grey of an overcast day in the North. Bergen seems to be one of the wettest places on earth. There they love to tell you all sorts of jokes mocking their rainy weather: An American tourist asked a boy: Tell me young man, is it raining here every day? I don’t know, madam, did the lad answer, I am only eight years old. 

The gathers in the front of my dress add just that bit of playfulness needed for a less sober look. Draped jersey is Charlotte Eskildsen’s speciality. Grey has the great advantage that it lends itself to endless possibilities of combinations. Sometimes I add violet boots and bag and a lot of silver, sometimes I feel more like jazzing it up with gold and an Asian spencer. The plushy spencer is doubling as a wind screen for chilly days.
A red turtle neck sweater and a woollen pantsuit from UnDeuxTrois are keeping me warm in unpleasant weather not unusual in Norway even in summer.

NEW! - - - NEW! - - - NEW!
Read more on me and my projects of the third age in the new issue of the German women's magzine Brigitte Wir - Für Frauen ab 60, September / October 2018, article Aktion Mensch 60+, 50ff, on page 51 about me: Bloggen über Modewelten (Blogging on the World of Fashion).


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