La Dolce Vita

This brilliant summer with endless blue skies and sunshine I am having la dolce vita,  the sweet life. No cloud is to be seen, even in the South West of France where rain showers are normally quite frequent. Not this year. In the bastide town Eymet the fresco from the famous Italian film is evoking a Roman summer and so does the weather. No Fontana di Trevi close by but a glass of diavolo citron, the coolest of French soft drinks, and jingling ice cubes. The restaurant under the arch on the main square is adorning the evocative film kiss of Marcello Mastrioanni and Anita Ekberg with the inimitable Italian mixture of a song of love and some washing hanging on the line.

- C'e solo l'amore che mi da la forza di vivere!                   - Alora vivi l'amore.               - Only love is giving me the energy to live.                          - So, I am living love.  
Who would want to contradict.


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