My Scarfs and Me -1

I believe in the power of scarfs. Any plain dress will get a new look with a scarf whatever the style of the scarf is, dramatic, delicate or elegant.  

Bright colours and bold patterns may be too loud for a whole dress, on a scarf they come off quite well. You can play with transparent chiffon, soft silk or cosy wool, knot it tightly around your neck or throw it casually over your back. 

© HansenHimself, Lesotho, pixabay
 For winter there is mohair. Some of the best wool of the quaint mohair goats comes from Lesotho. It is cold in the mountais of the small land locked enclave of South Africa where the ponies are still the main means of transport. Warm mohair and the colourfull Basotho blankets are sheer necessity. 

The possibilities for playing with scarfs are endless.


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